咖啡│了解西方文化,必先了解咖啡┌ 2017年货节 ┐ 买咖啡│淘宝搜索 6688688 └ ┘ 咖啡作为一种西式饮品,如今已遍布大街小巷。但要真走进一间咖啡馆,面对菜单上眼花缭乱的各式咖啡,许多人难免傻眼。阅读本期内容可能是一个好的开始,知道一些咖啡制作的简单原理,了解卡布奇诺与意式特浓、美式咖啡的不同之处,下次你就能在这种情境下一口说出你想要的咖啡。
The top favorite types of coffee include espresso, cappuccino, Americano, cafe latte and cafe mocha.
Espresso is loved by many coffee connoisseurs (行家) and is known as "the essence of the coffee drinking world". Espresso is made by forcing very hot water under high pressure through finely ground (细磨的) coffee. Crema, a heavy red-brown foam layer, defines well-crafted espresso. It taste strong and bitter for those who are new to the coffee world. But a sip of it will leave a faint fragrance lingering on the palate(味觉).(See photo)
Americano is an espresso shot that is diluted to taste with hot water. It's said the name was given to insult Americans whom the Europeans believed were not up to drinking straight espressos. Americano is recommended to new coffee enthusiasts who may find the espresso taste is too strong. In China, many coffee shops add cream and sugar to Americano to suit the taste of regular customers.
美式咖啡就是被热水冲淡了的意式特浓。在欧洲人眼里,老美欣赏不了醇厚的咖啡,因此将这种兑淡了的咖啡唤做美式咖啡。对于刚迷上喝咖啡的人来说,可能会觉得意式咖啡过浓,这样美式咖啡就很值得推荐了。国内很多咖啡馆的美式咖啡都加入了奶油和糖来迎合一般消费者的口味。 Cappuccino and latte are the favorites among girls, both consisting of espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk. All this makes the coffee taste more diluted and weaker. Cappuccino has a thicker layer of frothed milk than latte. When enjoying a quality cup of Cappuccino, with rich aroma and a foam mustache, you are actually enjoying a moment of innocence and romance.(See photo)
卡布奇诺和拿铁是女生们最喜欢的两款咖啡,两者配料完全一致:浓缩咖啡、热蒸奶和奶沫。这样咖啡本身的味道就更淡了。卡布奇诺的奶沫比拿铁更丰厚,品尝一杯好的卡布奇诺时,浓香满溢,奶泡沾上嘴唇,尽享纯真和浪漫的一刻。 Cafe mocha is a popular after-dinner coffee in the West. It is one part espresso with 1 part chocolate syrup and 2 or 3 parts of frothed milk. Whipped cream (鲜奶油) on top is an option. For a friend who rarely drinks coffee but likes chocolate, mocha is the best choice.
在西方,人们喜欢在晚餐后来一杯摩卡咖啡,它的构成是一份特浓咖啡、一份巧克力糖浆加上2-3份奶沫,还可以在最上边加一些鲜奶油。对于不怎么喝咖啡,但钟爱巧克力的朋友来说,摩卡是最佳的选择。 ---● END ●--- 説明│图文来源于网络,在此仅作传递信息之目的。版权归原创者所有,如涉及版权问题,敬请原创者联系我们删除,在此小编非常感谢原创者带给我们的美好阅读体验。 小编微信 15105199 原创投稿邮箱15105199@qq.com ▼ ▲ 搜索 茶语 id:chayuc 或扫描上方二维码关注 ──────── ▼ 点 ▼ 下 ▼ 面 ▼ 喝咖啡、品好茶。 免责声明:杭州酷德教育官网转载上述内容,对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性、完整性、合法性、可操作性或可用性承担任何责任,仅供读者参阅! |