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A Series of Articles on the Textual Research on the History

of Early Introduction and Afforestation of Chinese Coffee(Ⅲ)

A Textual Research on the History of Early Introduction and Afforestation of the Coffee in Hainan Island

Chen Dexin

(Coffee Professional Committee, Hainan Association

of Tropical Flavor in South Asia, 570206 Hainan, China)


Situated in the south of China and isolated into the sea, so it is called Hainan Island. Located from latitude 18°10´N~20°10´ N and 108°31´E~110°03´E, it is stretching 200 kilometers from south to north with two degrees of cross-latitude and 180 kilometers from east to west with two degrees and 26 minutes of cross-latitude. The entire landmass of Hainan island is 33,920 square kilometers and it is also a tropical island, accounting for 42.4% of the total tropical area in China(80,000 square kilometers).With 10~18 knots in width in the north, the island lies opposite Leizhou Peninsula and is to Vietnam, facing the Beibu Gulf on the west and South China Sea and Pacific Ocean on the south and southeast. The climate is tropical monsoon climate, annual temperature averaging from 22°C to 26°C and annual rainfall averaging from 1500mm to 2000mm.It is warm and abounds in rain, without snow all the year.

Through the demonstration and inspection on the history of early introduction and afforestation of the coffee in China for several years, the author finds out that the earliest time of the introduction and afforestaion of the Coffee in Hainan island is in 1898.Worthy mentioning, from 1908( Guangxu 34th) the scale of the early introduction and afforestation of the coffee in Hainan Island had been the largest in China and it takes the lead in industrializing the coffee in Hainan Island. Since the 1960’s,

the scale of coffee planting in Hainan Island has been decreasing year after year. But now the planting area and production is the smallest in China, deserving reflection and affording much food for thought. The history of introduction and afforestation of coffee in Hainan Island has made contributions to developing the coffee industry, Chinese now have much valuable experience and make basis for Chinese coffee industry. That is the third of the series of articles on the investigation and textual research on the history of early introduction and afforestation of Chinese Coffee, investigation and correction the early introduction and afforestation of the coffee in Hainan Island.

Key Words

Coffee in Hainan Island, Early Introduction and Afforestation, Historical Textualism


1.1 关于海南岛早期引种咖啡的年代在我国许多地方志、农垦志、农业史及各种书刊等都毫无争议地表述为1908年。但是,海南岛百年咖啡树的遗址仍在,古树的子孙仍在,因此,事实存在的百年古咖啡树毫不含糊地改写了海南岛最早引种咖啡的年代应该是1898年。

1.2 为了论证这一被遗漏的历史事实,2009年12月14~19日笔者实地考察了海南省文昌市南阳镇石人坡村咖啡最早引种人的后代邝其炳家。邝其炳叙述说:“邝世连是我的爷爷,生于1880年,1896年结婚,婚后生了两个儿子,相继因病去世,1898年因伤心投奔在马来西亚的外家大舅,半年后,由于不习惯外家生活习惯,当年带回咖啡种子回到海南岛文昌老家种活了12株,之后又相继生了两个儿子,其中一个因病去世,剩下一个”(就是现在的受采访者邝其炳的父亲邝家汉)。


1.4据邝家第四代邝祥日(现年54岁,就职于文昌市公安局)及他的亲兄弟邝祥垂(现年52岁,仍在家务农)站在12株咖啡古树群原址告诉我们说:“2000年因我家建新房,就把这十二株百年古咖啡树砍掉了,靠房后还留下一颗树头,生长出来的新枝叶也有八年多了”。经现场观察到,古咖啡树头新生的咖啡树枝叶繁茂,树径周长22cm,叶长32cm,叶宽13cm,叶片肥厚,叶脉清晰可见,仍然结有少量果实,果实硕大,咖啡鲜豆长2.3cm, 直径1.8cm,系利比里亚(Coffea liberica)大粒种。



“咖啡树,树龄一般只有二、三十年,最多四、五十年。但是在文昌县南阳公社高星大队石人坡邝生产队,有一株已生长八十三年的咖啡树,它虽几经台风等自然灾害的袭击,但至今仍然枝繁叶茂,年年结果累累,看不出半点老态。当地人都称它为‘咖啡树王’”。这株咖啡树的主人名叫邝其炳,今年已经五十三岁了。据邝其炳回忆,这株咖树是他的祖父邝世连于一八九八年从马来西亚带回种子栽培的。现在,它的主干围径六十七厘米,高五点五米,树荫覆盖面积约二十平方米,。它栽种在主人住宅旁边,土质为丘陵红粘土,土地肥沃温润,给它提供了良好的生长条件,加上主人的辛勤管理,它越活越“年轻”,生机勃勃,年年给主人好收成。据主人回忆,这株咖啡树已有七十八年的采摘历史了,总共收获的咖啡果约六千七百多斤。其间收获量最高的是一九五七年,这一年共采摘鲜果一百八十斤。后来,由于屡受自然灾害的袭击,加上左倾思潮的影响,管理不善,产量有所下降,但每年仍在七十斤以上,为一般咖啡树的十多倍,去年,在连续遭受台风、干旱等自然灾害影响的情况下,产量仍有八十多斤。由于树高,每次收获,他们都借助梯子采摘。这株咖啡树具有结果率高、果粒大、果质好等特点,加工成的咖啡粉,味道香醇可口。因此,当地的社员都争相引种,每到收获季节,许多社员长途跋涉,到他家购取种子。现在,这个县的城郊、新桥、潭牛、东路、迈号、蓬莱等公社和琼山县的大坡公社等农村,到处都有它繁衍的后代”。  1/2    1 2 下一页 尾页

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